Well… as you can guess by now Phoebe and Tom didn’t get their original wedding. They also didn’t get their Plan B wedding. But when your love is this strong Plan C works just fine.
A family friend offered their riverfront patio just across from Drake Park in Downtown Bend for Phoebe + Tom to host a little micro wedding since their other plans proved impossible. Tom and his son, took their canoe from the house patio and paddled down river to meet Phoebe and a few friends in [distanced] person and a few more logged in via facetime… emotions were HIGH and tears easily flowed. After a quick round of masked hugs, a handful of people made their way to the nearby house while Phoebe and Tom took the scenic route.
The patio was perfect for a summer afternoon wedding with a beautiful arbor, willow trees, a couple chairs, and a laptop full of Tom’s east coast family on zoom. Phoebe’s sister officiated the ceremony after maid of honor, Simone, called in the four directions and any higher energies that wanted to bless the wedding. Tears and laughter echoed off the water as the each said their vows and Phoebe’s mom bound them for their hand-fasting. Next Phoebe offered Tom’s son a gift as he gave his new auntie the rings. Kiss!!! After saying hello to their zoom guests and a round of speeches and toasts the newlyweds exited via canoe for a couple laps around Mirror Pond.
There’s plans for a 2021 reception. Hopefully things will be more normal by then…