At the end of April my Dad and I drove to Missouri for my grandparents’ 60th wedding anniversary party.
The drive was loooooong and not always scenic, though some of it was very very scenic, but it gave us lots of time to talk about …everything. In addition to seeing/meeting a boat load of family, some of whom I hadn’t seen in 10+ years, I also got to discuss wedding photography plans with my cousin’s daughter and her fiance. I remember when Haley was BORN! …and now she’s getting married. The universe can be pretty crazy sometimes. Haley and Kaden were originally planning a late October wedding, but with his deployment dates constantly being revised they decided to move it up to 4th of July weekend and go with a Red, White, and Blue theme. During my April visit we also had the opportunity to do an engagement session at her folk’s house and in Downtown Lamar. These two are sooooo cute together and I can’t wait to see everyone again in just over a month!!!